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Round-the-table: A Planetary Classroom Beyond the 2D Frame
AI in+form: Bio-inspired Solar Design
Ephemeral Monuments & Public Identities Research and Artistic practice in Public space
AI in+form: Bio-inspired Solar Design
Round-the-table: A Planetary Classroom Beyond the 2D Frame
Rehabilitation Futures Critical Worldbuilding: Behind the Scenes
For a Museum Cosmotechnics: Technology, Emptiness and the Exhibition Space
Memory palace Immersive design: Can it be the solution to enhance modern day users’ experience and cognition?
From how many pixels can we tell a story ?
Museum of Mankind : Man&Machine
Noise Poetics, Composing with Urban Soundscapes
VREEDOM: Creating a threedimensional spiritual liberation in VR
SAM The Symbiotic Autonomous Machine
Intersection of science and art: Relationship between man and technology
Worlds most poorly exploited natural resource
Hide (Nearly) Everything: Understanding Social Media Through Net Art Strategies of Resistance
Ephemeral Monuments & Public Identities Research and Artistic practice in Public space
AI in+form: Bio-inspired Solar Design
Round-the-table: A Planetary Classroom Beyond the 2D Frame
Rehabilitation Futures Critical Worldbuilding: Behind the Scenes
For a Museum Cosmotechnics: Technology, Emptiness and the Exhibition Space
Memory palace Immersive design: Can it be the solution to enhance modern day users’ experience and cognition?