“10 studies for an interactive screendance” was born from the encounter between dance and digital media. This project investigates the interactive possibilities in the field of screendance and the relation of the body with mobile devices. It is structured in 10 small studies that propose different forms of interaction and explore different aspects of dance and its possibilities, inviting the viewer to have an active stance in the creation of the narrative by touching the screen.
Using contemporary matters as starting point to elaborate on corporal propositions, "teia" investigates the intersections between dance and digital media, exploring the creative possibilities of this encounter. Formed by Lígia Villaron, Natalia Beserra and Murilo Augusto, the group also counts with the collaboration of other artists. Lígia Villaron, the director of “10 Studies for an interactive screeendance”, is a Brazilian multimedia artist. Currently completing a graduation degree in Media Studies at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), her fields of interest are visual media and digital technologies and her artistic creation comes from the combination of different languages.