“10,9,8,7,6…” is a speculative fiction (a sequel) that touches on the topic of environmental issues and gently goes through a period of technocracy set in the space of computer-generated images. The plot of the film is set in a (post) pandemic framework and is carrying an underlying story of Dula (the daughter of late Arum from Different Kind of Heaven). Her thoughts and meetings with entities while undergoing general anesthesia.

BY  Sanja Andjelkovic (SB)

Sanja Anđelković is an audio-visual and textual research artist based in Novi Sad, Serbia. Her research is focused within the field of documentary and fiction practice, where she is considering/questioning its position inside the system of gender, socio-political roles and/or traumatic moments of personal biography/history And examining how the idea of “home” is changing within the historical, geographical, social, but also environmental context. She is trying to understand the abbreviations of how different ecologies are interconnected. Sanja does not have a “favorite” medium and prefers to include humor if possible. She exhibited and worked on many projects and exhibitions around the region and beyond, including the Middle East. In November 2019, she had an opportunity to dig into cancer ecology at the Art Residency held by the British Council, BIOS and ATOLYE. Her 2 most recent (cross- genre/theme) CGI films (one developed in 2020 and one 2021) tackle themes of technocracy, animate and inanimate species. 2021 was the year where her two works (Anatomy of a Fatberg; Woodiana.today) showcased at Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria) and were produced by Center for the Promotion of Science in Serbia. She is currently developing a few works for the Fabulation for Future in Potsdam, Germany.