INDEX, AVENUE and SKYLIGHT are 3 monumental digital animations exceeding vastly the size of common screens, inviting viewers to scroll within their web browser to uncover the entire works. Each animation was created as a subjective record of an underground artist-run space from Vancouver BC Canada, which operated from 2014 to 2016. The project uses idiomatic visual elements from Nicolas Sassoon’s practice to evoke the culture and communities surrounding these venues: pixelated patterns, digital moirés, isometric perspective and a monochromatic palette are used to render a multitude of details, furniture, textures, and fantastical figures. Each animation is “drawn” from memory; portraying the venues through a process of recollection and imagination, a combination of accurate and imaginary elements. INDEX, AVENUE and SKYLIGHT manifest chaotic environments looking dated, idealized and ethereal. Each space appears floating in space, void of human presence and seemingly charged with a form of energy.