We started 2020 planing to shoot a videoclip for the song “Todos los días llueve más” (It rains more everyday, in Spanish) from the Uruguayan musician Mateo Mera. The pandemic quickly challenged our plans, so we assumed the challenge to make it an animated video. For this, we experimented with stop motion techniques and pixel art to obtain a piece with a “craft” feel.

BY  Nicolas Kmaid (UY)

The Commission (La Comisión, in spanish) is an art collective based in Montevideo, Uruguay. It is integrated by musicians, filmmakers, photographers, and writers, that work together in a wide diversity of projects. Participants in It Rains More Everyday (Todos los Días Llueve Más): Mateo Mera (musician, vinyl maker), Nicolás Kmaid (photographer, filmmaker, writer) and Luigi Gioia (musician, writer, pixel artist).