These seven animated textures and patterns were created from custom computer code employing various fractal algorithms, procedural noise, and reaction-diffusion techniques. The moving images are purely defined by mathematics, but are meant to evoke a biological aesthetic by resembling sea creatures, neurons, or other microscopic structures that transform from one emergent pattern to another. An original one-hour version of this animation was commissioned by Boston Cyberarts.
Karl Sims is a digital media artist and visual effects software developer. His interactive works have been exhibited worldwide at the Pompidou Center, Ars Electronica, ICC Museum, DeCordova Museum, Boston Museum of Science, and at MIT. He founded GenArts, Inc. which created special effects software tools for the motion picture industry, and he also held positions at Thinking Machines Corporation, Optomystic, and Whitney/Demos Productions. Karl studied computer graphics at the MIT Media Lab, and Life Sciences as an undergraduate at MIT. He is the recipient of various awards including two Ars Electronica Golden Nicas, an Emmy Award, and a MacArthur Fellowship Award.