William is a middle-aged writer who lives alone in a small, untidy house and can’t settle down doing what he loves. Confused and distressed, he flirts with death. With the rope around his neck, about to jump off a chair, the man looks around at his house and sees little “magical” objects that remind him of his past and passions, thus making a decision.

BY  Luiz Maximo (BR)

Luiz Maximo was born in 1996, in Belo Horizonte city. He was always a curious and artistic person. Since he was a kid, he illustrated and attempted to make short animations with his friends. From 12 years old to 13, he received two honorable mentions on the first edition of the contest "BH Humor".He has now graduated with a degree in "Animation Cinema" from the college of Belas Artes, UFMG. He worked with publicitary animation, illustrated books, and currently he works for movies and TV. He participated in four short movies, three TV series and three feature films. Highlight for the movie "ChefJack, the adventurer cooker", the first animation feature film of his hometown, "Perlimps", work of the director Alê Abreu (The boy and the world), and "The Author", short movie that marks his entry into the script and direction of a project.