The short film Asab comes from an old desire of mine to combine the languages of audiovisual and dance. It is a very personal vision on the experience of isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic, because unfortunately in Brazil many people do not even have the option of staying at home during this period. We try to portray in the film some very common feelings in the pandemic, such as exhaustion, prostration, a certain weight in everyday life, melancholy. The crossing that the title Asab suggests comes at a certain moment in the narrative as a desire of the characters for a world of encounters, dance and lightness that we have not had since the beginning of the pandemic, especially when we see Brazil regrettably reaching the mark of around 600 thousand deaths by Covid-19 (August 2021).

BY  Ariane Mondo (BR)

Ariane Mondo is a director and journalist, founder of Jatobá Filmes. Graduated in Journalism in Brazil, afterwards she specialized in directing documentaries in Cuba, in the regular course of the Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV de San Antonio de los Baños (EICTV) and also in the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Ariane has experience in Brazilian, Cuban and German film productions and seeks to express her concerns through cinematographic language in different genres.