Back up my memories is a reflection of the disquieting perspectives offered by cryopreservation. Is it possible to crystallize the brain? Can memories be frozen before death to be defrosted in the future thanks to new scientific discoveries? Back up my memories are about the fear of losing memory and therefore of dying. Recovering memories means to long for immortality. The fear of losing memories will become the fear of losing data. At the same time, the video imagines a future in which the infinite digitization and quantification of data have made information-overloaded starting a process of crystallization.

BY  Citron Lunardi (IT)

Citron | Lunardi is a collaboration between two different personalities: Selene Citron (1986) passing from digital fabrication to performance and Luca Lunardi (1980) who works with video and writing. They scrutinize established terms like nature, culture and technology, including their definitional boundaries. They draw up experimental and future-oriented scenarios to reflect upon the hybrid network between humans and their environment. The artworks become a hybrid that mixes the pixel framework, the 3D print, the performance and the environment. A contamination that redraws the boundaries between the human and the post human, the analogical and the digital, the artificial and the natural. Our recent suggestions are the studies of the philosopher of science and pioneer cyborg feminist Donna Haraway who calls for an interspecies symbiosis. Their works have participated in national and international exhibitions.