My work is a desperate grasp at existence. An examination of the act of being alive, through whimsical imagery that seeks to bring joy to the viewer yet secretly carries it's pain in plain sight. I feel a strong connection to nature and I've always been deeply inspired by the intimidating beauty of Japanese Zen gardens with their use of space as an element which shapes its surroundings. Likewise, my work acts as a Zen garden of the human psyche. Natural forms and characters coexist in time, driven and directed by the space around them. My compositions examine the balance between the opposing forces of life and what it feels like to navigate these states as a human being.
My work is a desperate grasp at existence. An examination of the act of being alive, through whimsical imagery that seeks to bring joy to the viewer yet secretly carries it's pain in plain sight. I feel a strong connection to nature and I've always been deeply inspired by the intimidating beauty of Japanese Zen gardens with their use of space as an element which shapes its surroundings. Likewise, my work acts as a Zen garden of the human psyche. Natural forms and characters coexist in time, driven and directed by the space around them. My compositions examine the balance between the opposing forces of life and what it feels like to navigate these states as a human being.