What if the person you’re dating is a Generative AI profile? As we increasingly bring AI into not only our workflows but also into our personal lives, we blur the boundary of us and our digital analogues. CARBON COPY is a fake dating app that explores the inner relationship between human and machine-generated human content. We generated artificial profiles for a website through sending data from a real social app to the language model ChatGPT, and created profile images using the publicly available OpenAI platform DALL-E2. Visitors interact with these dating profiles by rating them, reading their machine-generated text, and texting them in interaction with a custom prompted ChatGPT model. In observing how people view these potential fake partners, we probe how we use technology to fulfill our emotional needs, changing the innate desire for humans to connect into a technology-mediated interaction with the unreal.

BY  Ray LC, Lucy Ling, Kerwin Zeng  (HK)

RAY LC’s practice creates interaction environments for building bonds between humans and machines. He uses speculative narrative approaches to probe the ways humans adapt to technology. RAY takes perspectives from his research in neuroscience (Nature Communications) and HCI (CHI, CSCW, HRI, DIS) in his artistic practice, with works at BankArt, New York Hall of Science, KYOTO Design Lab, Elektra Montreal, Ars Electronica, Saari Residency, New Museum, NeurIPS, Angewandte Festival, JCCAC, Osage Gallery, Macau Art Biennale, Videotage, Goethe Institute, Hong Kong Arts Centre, PMQ, Science Gallery, ISEA, IEEE VISAP, SIGGRAPH Asia. RAY (PhD UCLA, MFA Parsons School of Design) was awarded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Verizon Connected Futures, Adobe Design Award, Microsoft Imagine Cup, Kone Foundation, Davis Peace Foundation, NY Foundation for the Arts, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong Research Grants Council GRF, Lumen Prize.