The proposal deals with an eminently characteristic trait of our current society, the desire for celebrity, or to put it differently, the desire to get out of the shadows to enter the light, sometimes even hoping to become this «light». The desire for celebrity seems to win over more and more individuals today; and this phenomenon has largely increased with the multiplication of information via social networks, reality TV, the multiplication of screens, and more generally, with all the strategies put in place by the society of the spectacle. In 1968, in the catalog of an exhibition at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Warhol wrote: «In the future, everyone will have the right to 15 minutes of worldwide fame». Indeed, from now on, everyone can claim a form of celebrity if they wish. But what kind of fame is it? What for? And with what consequences?

BY  Jeremy Griffaud (FR)

Jérémy GRIFFAUD is a young artist from Nice who graduated from the Pavillon Bosio in Monaco in 2017. He paints watercolors of an imaginary mode that he digitizes and then animates by computer. These animations can be seen in the form of films, but also in virtual reality or in the form of immersive video installations. He takes the viewer to share his fascination of colorful and hypnotic parallel worlds, while revealing the problems of our time. These bewitching, hypnotic, psychedelic and singular worlds question the relationship between Man and Nature. His short films have been screened more than a hundred times in about thirty countries.In 2021, his film Dungeon won twice the prize for best animation at the Boden Film Festival in Sweden and at Emerald Peacock in Saint-Petersburg.