An experimental animated film exploring the boundary between narrative and non-narrative film and ways in which story can arise from abstraction. Created with 4 dancers, 6 grand pianos, 1001 drawings, and a machine learning algorithm, synchronized to music by acclaimed composer Missy Mazzoli (“One of the more consistently inventive, surprising composers now working in New York” —NY Times), and with choreography by Faye Driscoll (“Utterly original work” —NYTimes). The threads it weaves form a parable about the point at which logic and rules can become poetry.

BY  Joshua Frankel (US)

Joshua Frankel is a visual artist working in a range of old and new media, with animation at the center of each project. He grew up in Hell's Kitchen, New York City in a building filled with musicians, actors and dancers and spent much of his youth listening to hip-hop and trying not to let anyone take his lunch money. Presenters of his work include BAM, US Library of Congress, Film Society of Lincoln Center, Annecy, San Diego Symphony, EMPAC, the UN World Urban Forum, and Vimeo Staff Picks. His film, PLAN OF THE CITY (2011) was called "One of the best matches of visuals to music I've seen" by Anne Midgette of The Washington Post and "Gorgeous" by Alex Ross of The New Yorker. He is now working on an opera about Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs with multi-channel animation throughout, titled A MARVELOUS ORDER.