Every system is a “holon” (Greek), from a subatomic particle to the entire universe. Holon is made up of parts but at the same time is part of a wider system. Climate change, solar energy, technological development, light and air pollution, digital time and geological time, natural and artificial electricity – all these are significant systems in the work, which comes out of a desire to understand who we are now and what we will be in the future.

BY  Eden Bezalel Habas (IL)

Eden Bezalel Habas is an Israeli video artist and filmmaker based in Tel Aviv. Eden graduated from the Department of Screen Based Arts at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in 2021. During his studies, he was selected for a student exchange program at the California Institute of the Arts. His work has been exhibited in numerous locations in Israel, and outside of Israel as well, among others at the zaz10ts gallery in New York.