The futuristic animation “Anak Bakau Terakhir” (“The last mangrove seed”) tells the story of three indigenous Seletar children, namely Bagong, Tiara and Deli, sneaking into the Pirate Ship to recapture the last mangrove seed and save the wisdom of seafarers’ lives. The conflict started when the Pirates captured the Buntal Submarine owned by the 3 children of Seletar, then they were manipulated by the Pirates’ own tricks. Can these little children save the last mangrove seed?
This animation is part of an education initiative Tanam Tumbuh under Baroka Blessed community organization for indigenous Seletar children and tribes who are facing marine ecosystem change. The voice cast and the language are sincerely from the indigenous sea kids who are facing reclamation in front of their village in real life. The director of this animation is a volunteer teacher for indigenous kids learning literacy and numeric. The animator, character designer, music score and storyboard artist are Johor Bahru local artists and close friends who supported this education initiative for creating awareness about reclamation.