“The sky behind the eyelids” is a speculative, decolonial and futuristic science fiction short film. Water as a body of planetary memory, an inner river, a blood flow, genesic and feminine, that drags the ruins of colonial capitalism towards the sea. The remains of a necro-political regime, which began with the arrival of Europeans in their colonial and slave ships, on the shores of what they would call America. Inspired by “malunggay” as a force of desire turned into a common force. UBUNTU: I AM BECAUSE WE ARE

BY  Alejandra Van der Land (AR)

Van der Kritz is an artistic collective formed by Alejandra Van der Land (1974) and Matias Kritz (1973), based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In their most recent works, they investigate the relationships between nature, culture and technique, exploring ideas about the future, ancestral memory, ecology and automation. Interested in the two specters that haunt the Earth in the XXI century: "The spectrum of ecological catastrophe and automation", words with which Peter Frase begins his book Four Futures. They use speculative science fiction, to address the growing feelings of fear, denial and escapism that are compacting within people in modern societies, interested in addressing an end of the inner, emotional and decolonial world, as a possibility of imagining new beginnings “Local and techno-diverse”.