TRIEB is a dance movie by Zoë Schreckenberg that explores the inner world of a subject who is unwilling to act on its environment out of feelings, but indulges in fantasies and desires that arise out of its aggressive state.

Director, Choreographer, Dancer, Editor: Zoë Schreckenberg
Director of Photography, First Camera: Günter Schreckenberg
Second Camera, Production Design, Gaffer: Lukas Ipsmiller
Stage Technicians: Fabrice Thirion, Dominique Demenge
Music Composer: Sebastian Wasner
Color Grading: Daniel Hollerweger
Graphics: Micha Pichlkastner
Location: Strasbourg (France), Schneppenhausen (Germany)

Special thanks to
Joëlle Smadja, Nicolas Dautier, Bernard Schlaefli, Mattia Cadin, Brigitte Ochem, Camille Rochon, Team Pole Sud, Marisa C. Hayes, Brennholz und Baumfällung Rößling, Felix Merlau and Family, Béla Schreckenberg, Alireza Toghiyani, Schreckenberg Film

TRIEB was created during a screendance production residency hosted at POLE-SUD, National Choreographic Development Center of Strasbourg in January 2021, with the support of:

La Briqueterie
International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy
Les Hivernales
Cinéma Utopia
Theater Freiburg tanz
La place de la danse
Le Phare
Le Gymnase

BY  Zoe Schreckenberg ()

Zoë Schreckenberg is a German filmmaker, choreographer and dancer. Her artistic research finds its expression within audiovisual, dance and performance art. Her background combines two artistic elements: physical movement and film. Next to contemporary dance her training consists of fighting methods and film stunt. She graduated successfully from University of Vienna with the bachelor degree program of theater, cinema and media studies. She received a contemporary dance education through intensive summer programs, movement research projects and workshops in various dance institutions and festivals in Europe.