“When Worlds Collide” is a short animated documentary that gives insight into the identities of individuals who grew up in bi-racial and multicultural households. The documentary highlights both the advantages and hardships of searching for belongingness where categories donʼt exist. These insights are illustrated through images that were inspired by intimate interviews done with several close friends of the filmmaker, which touch upon topics of identity and reveal what itʼs like to be ʼmixedʼ. By using the backdrop theme of a computer, the documentary invites the viewer to participate in this search by simulating the way most searches presently take place, digitally.
Merylin Lira was born and raised near Dallas, Texas. As a mixed-culture person, (half American & half Brazilian) she is heavily interested in the concepts of identity, culture and belongingness and stories reflecting human interest. She obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Texas in Arlington with a focus on filmmaking and has recently graduated with a Masters in Animation from Royal Academy of Arts in Gent, Belgium.