Αντίγραφο του geolocation_NY

More and more in our days algorithms collect, store and analyze large amount of our personal data. Records of our daily life may exist in various private and Inaccessible databases creating a digital fingerprint of our existence and behavior. What is the audiovisual fingerprint of your daily life?

Personal geo- location data were recorded over a period of 4 years (May 15 – 19). The 100,000 collected points are visualized and converted into sound to reveal the patterns of the daily life. In the video, each rendered frame corresponds to one day, while the longitude and latitude coordinates are mapped to the left and right audio channels. The print is detailed view of the accumulated movement within the inhabitant city.

BY  Georgios Cherouvim (GR)

Georgios Cherouvim is a digital artist, animation director and CG supervisor for Visual Effects. He was born and raised in Athens and he is currently based in New York. He graduated from the National Center for Computer animation of the United Kingdom with a first class degree. Over the years he has worked for feature films, commercials, as well as Virtual Reality experiences. His professional career started in 2005 at the Moving Pictures Company in London and he later relocated to Vancouver. In 2016 he moved to New York and worked at Framestore for four years, but recently went freelance and started his own studio, ch3. His work and animation shorts have been screened in dozens of festivals around the world including Ars Electronica, Siggraph, Art Futura and One Dot Zero. In 2014 he had his solo show 'Monomorphia' in Athens and has also participated in several group exhibitions.