This artwork is an attempt to digitise the elements of choreographic procedure, which for the creator include design concept and synthesis. Hardly Virtual is drawing upon these three elements that can be executed without physical presence for both dancers and audience. The work is aparted by two interactive applications. The first allows the user to create a sequence, following content from a ready made catalogue of movements, and the second allows the creation of their own movements by altering parameters. The aforementioned catalogue includes moving content from the work of Dimitris Militilaios “hardly the same: a dance guide to mess up body&mind”.
Hardly Virtual on a theoretical level attempts to bring forward the arbitrary nature which characterises the choreographic procedure to come in terms with the problem of importance that oftenly these arbitrary decisions face. This way the artwork focuses on the interaction of the artistic intention, object and perception, concluding more on reflecting upon both the performative attention and care for intensive attendance.