“in length we find release”; a 60 min. online performance by Utterings.
During “in length we find release”, Utterings – six artists from very different backgrounds, gathers online and engages in utterings as communication. They build on solos, duos, chorales and silence and develop an on the fly “new” language that forwards attention, trust and feeling above rationality. Their communication is not driven by efficacy, not ruled by code or conventions, but seeks connection through affection, glitches, delays and even voids. Utterings uses sound and movement triggers to improvise an active interlaced communicative structure where humans, mediated by machines, cables and compression algorithms, are involved in and touched by a process of shared auditory exchange and attention. To resist distraction by the intimate, public imagery their bodies produce in the zoom interface, Utterings wears blindfolds during their performances, and so, focus solely on listening and other bodily perceptions.

BY  Utterings Utterings ((FR/PT/US/BE))

Utterings is a networked performance and research group, an online “band” composed of Annie Abrahams (FR), Daniel Pinheiro (PT), Constança Carvalho Homem (PT), Curt Cloninger (US), Nerina Cocchi (BE) and Derek Piotr (US). They explore “new” language as a way to overcome the habits and automatisms of contemporary entanglements of humans and machines. Each iteration of Utterings experiments with specific issues in regard to language, voice, audio, video and the venue itself. Since 2019, when they started their research, they have done seven different online performances, three workshops and a conference panel. They keep a research archive with notes, reflexions, quotes, photos, audio- and video recordings: https://utterings.hotglue.me