Fractal cosmology is a theory which states that the distribution of matter in the Universe or the structure of the universe itself, is a fractal across a wide range of scales. A central issue in this field is the fractal dimension of the universe or matter distribution within it when measured at very large or very small scales. The mass of the matter in the universe is far more than what the physicists’ estimate and only 5 percent of it is visible to us. The density of the universe is made up of 23 percent dark matter and 72 percent dark energy, thus impacting its structure a great deal. A huge portion of the cosmos that we considered to be empty is distributed like an invisible nervous system all across the universe, encompassing the stars and galaxy clusters. This space, which is filled with other elements, is simultaneously expanding and vibrating on all levels and dimensions, and its gigantic gravitational field is the reason for the space-time stability.
Mohamadreza Tazari (b. 1988, Tehran, Iran) is a Filmmaker, New Media Artist and Photographer. He has received his B.A in Painting from Faculty of Arts and Architecture of IAU, Tehran. He is working in the field of video art, music video and short films and has directed several music videos for Iranian and international artists such as The Irrepressible and Emancipator. In recent years, he has focused on his art projects and audio-visual performances. Most of his works are based on scientific concepts like Fractals, Geometry and the Chaos theory. He is also obsessed with astrophysics and cosmos. The artist is trying to represent the concept of “Everything is Connected” in his creations. He has exhibited his works in international festivals in United States, UK, Spain, Germany, Italy and Portugal. Beside more than 15 group exhibitions. In 2019, He won Madatac X Award for the best video art of the year in Madrid.